Preschool (PK3, PK4, TK)
- Standard size backpack, no toddler size backpacks please (labeled with the child’s name)
- Change of clothes, including socks, and underwear, in a gallon sized ziploc bag (labeled with child’s name)
- Reusable water bottle (labeled with child’s name)
- Photograph of your preschooler by him/herself
- Photograph of your preschooler’s family
Supplies for Rest Time: Full Day Duckling, Chickadee, Penguin, and Peacock Students:
- Fitted crib sheet in a reusable grocery bag (labeled with child’s name)
- Blanket, small pillow, and a stuffed animal for snuggling are needed for nappers and optional for non-nappers
- Rest time toys are suggested for non-nappers.
- Suggested items include:
- Books
- Doodle boards
- Animal figurines
- Small plush toys
- Dolls
- Matchbox cars/trucks
- Small activity pad (Melissa & Doug)
Elementary School (Grades K-2)
Summer Work for Students Entering Grades K-2
Printed packets are available in the school office. Please call 201.445.6150 or email if you need a copy.
Supply List for Students Entering:
- Crayola Crayons – 24 Standard Colors (2 boxes)
- Crayola Colored Pencils – 24 Standard Colors
- Crayola Markers – Classic Broad Line 10 Pack
- 8 Expo Thin Black Dry Erase Markers
- Elmer’s Glue Stick – Large, 2 Pack
- 1 Bottle Elmer’s Liquid Glue
- Pink Pearl Eraser
- Scissors – Child Size
- Pencil Box – Plastic Hinged (~ 8″ x 5″ x 2.5″)
- Over-the-ear Headphones in a Labeled Ziploc Bag
First Grade
(please do not label supplies unless noted)
- 2 Boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons (classic colors)
- 24 #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
- 1 Big Pink Eraser
- Pencil box (8”x5”x3”) with hinge – labeled with name
- 8 large glue sticks
- 2 – 12 count colored pencils (classic colors)
- 2 – 10 count Crayola Markers (classic colors)
- Scissors (child size)
- 8 Thin Expo dry-erase markers – Black
- 3 Marble primary lined composition notebooks
Second Grade
(Do not label items unless specifically asked.)
- 2 dozen #2 Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
- Erasers (pencil caps)
- Pink Pencil Eraser – (Paper Mate Pink Pearl Eraser)
- 6 count pack of glue sticks (Elmer’s)
- 1 Highlighter (yellow)
- Scissors (child size – 1 pair)
- 1 box – 24 count – Crayola crayons (nothing bigger)
- 8 or 10 count Crayola markers (nothing bigger)
- 12 count Crayola colored pencils (nothing bigger)
- 6 thin black Expo dry erase markers
- 3 Folders – 1 Blue, 1 Yellow, 1 Red
- 4 Marble Composition Books (100 sheets Wide Ruled
- Over the ear headphones in a ziplock bag (labeled with first and last name)
- Pencil Box (no larger than 8”x5”x3” high) – plastic hinged labeled with name
Upper Elementary & Middle School (Grades 3-8)
High School (Grades 9-12)
Each English class has a summer reading assignment that needs to be completed for the upcoming school year. Please click below to download the summer reading list.
Summer Reading Assignments 2024-2025